Rear bumper iron bolts

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by paradox, Jan 25, 2024.

  1. Could someone tell me the bolt size for bolting the rear bumper irons to the chassis please.
  2. It's a 17mm socket so most likely M10 I think.
    Lasty and paradox like this.
  3. They proper ones have a little step in them to take the plastic covers. Yours won't be white though I guess...
  4. It’s the rear irons mick
  5. Any old iron?
  6. Yep, M10 I reckon
    3901mick likes this.
  7. They are, I've got a load somewhere. Where though....?
    paradox and snotty like this.
  8. Kays Fasters will have some...
  9. So have I. Got a bag somewhere
    snotty likes this.
  10. They're in the bag with your 10mm sockets...
  11. My shed is in such a state its un real. I almost want it to be broken into. I think they would leave it tidier.
    Lasty, snotty and iblaze like this.
  12. Thanks mick
  13. Get the local Travelling Community round. They'll soon have it cleared out :thumbsup:
    chad likes this.
  14. Don't like their singing. Last ones sang " the wheels on the house go round and round round and round, round and round"
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2024
    Soggz, iblaze and Dubs like this.
  15. So what tensile rating do we think?
    Considering it’s going to be fitted with a tow bar that’s going to get used as a recovery point
    That will be a lot of force the whole weight of the van plus whatever resistance there is if I’m bogged or it’s uphill.
  16. "I'm Gonna Take You To A Tow Bar! A Tow Bar!"

    10.9s, although 8.8s will likely do.
    DubCat and paradox like this.
  17. Oi'll foight ye, boi :mad:!
  18. 12.9s overkill then?
    There not fine pitch I’d imagine
  19. I swear to youse on me muvers life
  20. Do you loik dawgs?

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