Rear brake dowel pin lost :(

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by 3901mick, Jan 27, 2013.

  1. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

  2. It goes between the back plate and the rear hub housing here [​IMG]
  3. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    You'd spoil the hardening a bit cutting end off with a grinder, but put cut end down the hole should be fine. :thumbsup:
  4. cheers Zed. Are they 10mm do u know :thinking:
  5. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

  6. Cheers, Thanks for your help
  7. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

    if your worried about losing the hardening, then cut it with a hacksaw, they are an press fit so you may not get a drill bit in there, 10mm sound bit i would have thought 8mm, but i'm not certain
  8. Are they there to just locate the backplate or do they have stresses on them?
  11. Well it seems to be a 10mm I could not find my 10mm drill but the 9mm was loose :)
  12. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

  13. Do VW Heritage do them?
  14. Yeah they do, but 8 week wait so I ordered the ebay ones
  15. Aggh. Until I saw this I never knew I should have these. Just checked and I've got one missing - may never have had it the 10 years I've owned the bus : :mad:.
  17. I guess if its been missing 10 years that proves they don't do as much as we thought :) :)
  19. Just had a look at the schematics, and also a Haynes manual. The dowel seems to be to locate the shoe adjustment block, but this is also held in place by two bolts which you can see the ends of in the pic above. The block is also spot welded to the backing plate, so lack of dowel doesn't seem to be a big deal. I wondered if this is an item which has been left off later manufactured parts, like the spacer in the CV joints.

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