post office rant

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by volkswombat, Sep 1, 2015.

  1. people like you make the queue's even longer...;)

    just lie and chill...:D
    MrsVolkswombat likes this.
  2. I find looking blank and shrugging of the shoulders works when asked about parcel contents. Its only to sell you parcel insurance so I'm told. The self service machines don't ask for contents verification leastways the last one I used didn't. If it did I was probably shouting at it to stop wittling whilst I stumped up the money for the gold plated stamp
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2015
    volkswombat likes this.
  3. Gah! IKEA were out of chips. Can you believe such a thing?
    volkswombat likes this.
  4. And there s the thing, you can stick an envelope containing whatever the hell you want in a postbox and theyre none the wiser......
  5. I don't believe you!
    That's insane and wholly unforgivable!
  6. is it my cheque :D
  7. Macaroni cheese, chips with gravy and an apple pie: it's food of the Gods. I couldn't believe they were chipless :eek:. Sweden's going to the dogs, mate.

    I did buy two Särskilds tho', before I had to dash back.
  8. Sarskilds , that's the 4ft coffee table with built in bed right?
    snotty and Barneyrubble like this.
  9. And the built in rug/potplant holder with LED lighting. Or is that the Stønker. I forget.
  10. Stonker! Haha!
  11. Bølløx. That's another one.
    volkswombat likes this.
  12. Haha I'm sitting here wiv me legs in the air laughing!
  13. You should be upstairs urinating on parked vehicles, mate...
  14. At work so similar.........urinating on other people's wheels
  15. Can you not borrow a truck from work and park it outside your house? That'd stop 'em.

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