Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by pkrboo, Aug 10, 2015.

  1. I will have cold drinks with me and also I can do hot drinks as well with breakfast, what say you?
    rickyrooo1 and bernjb56 like this.
  2. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    Excellent, was just wondering where I was going to get coffee from!
    pkrboo likes this.
  3. You are coming in the van ?
  4. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    Yep, I took all the gas pipes out though and haven't got round to putting them back in!
    The fridge is still in the garage too so warm cider for me!
  5. Bring a bucket for the cider :thumbsup:
    Baysearcher likes this.
  6. I prefer to drink mine from the bottle, I find using a bucket gets me drunk too quickly!:eek:
  7. Don't forget the TLB banner!
  8. It's already in, has been since eastnor!!

    I think we need a new one making anyway, with more up to date members?
  9. We do have another banner somewhere - it's a bigger version of the yellow TLB stickers we had made years ago - the one that says "because even VW get it a bit wrong the first time". We used that one at Brighton Breeze a couple of years ago but I'm not sure what happened to it after that. @hailfrank @Honky @bernjb56 ??
  10. Count me in for morning coffee please
  11. I'm leaving work at 15:00.
    will pack and see you at mine at 4ish?
  12. Honky

    Honky Administrator

    I have never been in posession of a banner - they don't trust me...quite rightly.
    baygeekster likes this.
  13. Just waiting for Mrs pkrboo to get home, I have spare food for all you other techendererers. [​IMG]
    Flakey, Dubweiser and Lord Congi like this.
  14. hailfrank

    hailfrank Admin esq.

    I sent a banner somewhere but it never returned.
    Don't think I have one anymore
  15. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    Only ever seen the one
  16. Last person I saw it with was Colin @b0dyr0ck2006 but that was Brighton Breeze 2013.

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