paddy doherty the IRISH PIKEY on big brother

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by shielsy, Aug 20, 2011.

  1. well he was in 10 mins
    he was up stealing the lead from the roof
    said he could paint the tiles for a good price
    now is out tarmacking the garden
    lol owen nw :eek: ;)

    do ye think i would blend in

    owen nw the pikey

  2. lovin the flip flop and suit look 8)
  3. Good move avoiding the socks with the sandles!
  4. i wear them all year round even in the garage welding spraying , i have saved a fortune on socks lol owen nw the pikey :eek:
    i was the driver for shane and his wife split screen vana and herbie beetle
  6. Hes a cracking boxer

    Its a shame travveling types have got such a bad reputation nowadays as they have such a rich history and a way of life thats soon to be forgotten
  7. Didn't he get mashed up a few months ago by a relative of his? :eek:

    Not sure what to make of him to be honest, he came across as a bit of a knob on the big fat gypsy programme ;D
  8. think it was his son owen nw
  9. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    Seen him on danny dyers deadliest men - he's a monster! proper hardcase
  12. i think you should just put a hippy quote from me in your sig paradox . this would save me writing hippy underneath all your posts
  13. What me put effort into making it easy for your lazy arse to ridicule me lol

    If i have to focus on the keyboard to rip the ******* after a good smoke then so should you

    (insert its only banter smileys here)
  14. if i wasnt so stoned id think of a really good come-back Para !

    it would be so good
  15. The comeback will comeback to you soon and it will be brilliant
    But then youll forget what it was lol

    Sent using a keyboard with two half empty cans of lager in front of it because i forgot i had one open
  16. Just had a look to see whos thread we hijacked and realised its owens

    He wont mind he like a few beers and loves the crack
  19. Is tlb herb circle being reinstated?

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