Old thumper

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by paradox, Jun 21, 2013.

  1. Sounding good !
  2. Sounds like a plan - getting cabbaged lol
    paradox likes this.
  3. Mid summer cider I say
  4. Awesome reply:thumbsup:

    It does taste strong but is very paletable with a strange sweet touch as you swallow

    Last night i was drinking an ale from a local micro brewery called gun dog and ive never tasted such a hoppy and bitter beer in my life
    It made your tongue dry and gave a little tingle to the roof of your mouth
  5. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    sorry it had to be done.
    paradox likes this.
  6. Paras view on old thumper

    Its a cracking beer:)
    Bit of a creeper as its strong but you dont realise straight away:beer:

    Id buy it again for sure and i think it would be worth a crate to bring to a tlb weekend

    I love real beer i do me :burp::chewie:
  7. Last update before i hit my pit

    You need to be carefull of this beer as not only is it a creeper the more you drink the more it become moreish
    However its not made me daft
    Normally once i trip over midnight my heads not my own and im posting all sorts of random stuff

    Its time for me to finish this bottle and head upstairs because i feel content and very tired

    Good night all thanks for your companys and ill catch im with you in the morrow

    Sweet dreams:burp:
    davedub likes this.
  8. Blimey para thought you would have been up for hitting the night life.

    Oh wait a sec dexy's midnight runners just come on the radio. Must have a bop.

    Night para. See ya at the kebab shop.

    Can't go to bed sky Atlantic doing best of sopranos night. Gotta see it.
    paradox likes this.

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