Oktoberfest 2011 HorTs' 30th Birthday

Discussion in 'Show Event Photos' started by BaG hEaD, Oct 9, 2011.

  1. Hi Guys;

    Just returned from Cheddar's Oktoberest weekend. Another great show, meeting lots of friends old and new..

    Friday was HorTs birthday and we celebrated in style... HorTs was on the shorts in the bar at 4:30pm, whilst Mrs HorTs and friend prepared birthday food, cake and the decorations...

    The night was long, which brought many bad heads in the morning..

    Here are some pics of the weekend...

    The arrival of Red and Pinks Army's.

    The Birthday boy





    A few nice vehicles.



    Drunken Daisy Bug...




    Saturday, Redarmy commission an Artist to add a little extra to HorTs' Van... Now re-named to 'Rolf's Dub'


    Thanks everyone for making it a good weekend.. :bag:
  2. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    Happy days...some great pics Lee, cheers for posting!
  4. hailfrank

    hailfrank Admin esq.

    what was the drawing?
  6. Still think it should have been a gert big un! The size of a vw badge.
  7. Twas a good show but still tees me off the amount of builders vans there was at the show and shine and newer type cars only a hand full of real vw's parked up.
  8. This seems to be the only photo I took
  9. Ain't opening matey!!!
  10. Ill look when I get home bloomin phone.
  11. Twas indeed a great show, we had a terrific time and what a fantastic venue - never been to a show with hook-up and your own tap before - awesome!!!
    What made it for us though was being parked up with the Somerset massive - wicked bunch of guys and gals!!!
    Got to agree with Rustydiver about the show'n'shine, I put the T25 firetruck in and at that point (about 10 or 12 vehicles already there) mine was the oldest vehicle there. Not wanting to knock T4's (having one myself) but a bunch of builders vans with cupboards and a bodyboard made into a table don't constitute a line-up. But having said that, they are the people that have bothered taking their vans over there - so come on air-cooled owners, get polishing and put it in the show!!!
  12. cool. i hope to get this this next year ...
  13. Woodylubber

    Woodylubber Obsessive compulsive name changer

    looks like a lot of fun ;D
  14. my pics..

    and "Brian", Nomates' bubble car
  15. I just love that bubble car, it was spot on when going around at dusk.
  17. just got back

    no my camper isn't that slow we get there a few days early, stay sunday night and make a holiday out of it

    great show great venue
  18. Honky

    Honky Administrator

    Thanks for the pics BH. Anyone got anymore?
  19. I went on a day pass on Saturday, first time I've been and really enjoyed it definitely camping next. I popped up to the late bay camp area but you were all out!! or maybe sleeping off the hangovers :)

    I did manage to meet up with aussiebay, it's nice to put faces to names :)
  20. Birdy

    Birdy Not Child Friendly


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