Oil question

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by Luis Navarro, Oct 22, 2013.

  1. My bus uses hardly any oil.....the level has only dropped a fraction in the 3 months since I got it and I've not really needed to add any.
    I think it might be broken....how can I fix it to use the right amount of oil?

    Thanks in advance,

    minirob and Poptop2 like this.
  2. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    you need a 2.5mm drill and drill slightly off centre to the drain plug & this will ensure copious amounts of oil pass through ;)
    altair likes this.
  3. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    But being more serious, whats the trick in the question?

    Our westy hardly uses any oil and doesn't tend to discolour it too badly either - it is leaking now from the crankseal on the flywheel end but I'm not overly worried!
  4. Good tip :)
    How can I ensure that it leaves the correct sized puddle underneath though? is it possible to buy a regulator for this?
    steveagain likes this.
  5. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    If the drill bit is calibrated, jobs a good un!
    steveagain and 68_early_bay like this.
  6. It leaves a teaspoonful of oil on the ground underneath the sump after a run but other than that it leaks very little. In seriousness, I was wondering what the likely cause would be for the minor leak it has.....it seems to be coming from the strainer plate or thereabouts
  7. I LoL'd :p
  8. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    It may well be the strainer sealing ring thing that's not seated correctly perhaps & a bit of dirt is letting a bit of oil past!
  9. ;)Drive it
  10. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    fit the cheap black push rod tube seals and your problem will be sorted.
  11. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    It's not got an engine!

    Or it's a ringer.
  12. CollyP

    CollyP Moderator

    If you really want the "authentic look" but don't want to mess with the bus, I have a tip.

    Get a cat litter tray (complete with cat litter)
    Get some gunky old oil (not from your pristine engine obviously)
    Add oil to tray
    Leave on drive under where the bus is parked
    Listen to neighbours opine about the good old days of "tinkering" when you drive away leaving your oily mess behind!
    jivedubbin, fritt and Luis Navarro like this.
  13. If you have the original owners manual there is a stencil for the correct sized oil patch. Simply trace around said stencil with gasket blue and align drilled hole directly above. Back in the day petroleum jelly was used but with the advent of modern materials this has increased service intervals, but ignore them at your peril!!!:s
    BTW Luis has it got any oil in it
    Mork; probably warm oil at a lower viscosity.
    All you people with oil tight engines have no compassion. Just think of all those workers at the Driveway Gunk factory that have been relying on leaky VWs for years.
  14. mikedjames

    mikedjames Supporter

    If you do not have dome nuts on the strainer plate then it can leak down the threads.
    And are you sure the fluid in the engine is oil?. A fuel leak can keep it topped up quite nicely I hear ;)
  15. my bus has been parked in rented garage for couple of months ,went round last eve to check it was still there ,the garage I refer 2 ,they nick everything round here, garage floor covered wiv oil >dunno? think it"s theMorris" gear I'm using?
  16. Faust

    Faust Supporter

    be a devil and go the whole hog and set fire to it and blame it on that incredibly small oil leak
  17. Put the engine in my bus and I can guarantee it will be leaking like a proper vw within hours
    I use the oil puddle on the drive to gauge how much oil to put in them
    Woodylubber and Silver like this.

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