New mirrors

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by The Avenger, Aug 1, 2014.

  1. Treated the Old Girl to some shiny new mirrors. They came with the arms tight against the back of the mirrors to fit in the box. I haven't tried to fit them yet but gently trying to pull the arms into position and turn the threaded bit which goes into the door to the right angle tonight and they won't budge. Do I need to loosen the smaller nut at the base of the arms to allow them to move?


  2. You need to loosen the domed lock nut at the bottom.
  3. Brilliant, cheers mate I thought that might be the case.
  4. hope they are stainless and not "chrome" :)
    paradox likes this.
  5. Your next problem is fitting them to the van ;). Are the threads long enough (a common problem)?
  6. Yes they are stainless, as for the threads thanks for the warning. They came from VW Heritage so I hope they will be ok.
  7. Doesn't look like they will be going on today as I think we are about to have a thunderstorm.:(
  8. Mirrors on, cheated and used the existing mounts just changed the stems.;)
    paradox and snotty like this.
  9. CollyP

    CollyP Moderator

    Sounds like you used your brain - no cheating there! :)
    paradox likes this.
  10. Crafty...;)

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