New kitchen...where does the money go....?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bryandsi, Sep 17, 2012.

  1. Gutted the kitchen just sink left in!!


    I suppose I've moved on from the point of no return!!

    Just got to knock thru and the dining and kitchen are one...

    Built on a hill on built up ground, look at the bottom of the wall...huge gap - about 12 years ago the kitchen floor dropped 6 inches and pulled all the internal walls with it - cost a fortune to re-raft the floor!!

    Next door is a builder and did all the work fact is he didn't want his house to follow ours down the hill!!

  2. That is scary! 6" drop did it pull down the upstairs with the wall?
    Seriously thinking off expanding into kitchens. I'm a sparks and an ex c&g carpenter.picked up a decent work top jig and elu router for a oner last week. Just need someone to practice on ;-)
  3. I am guessing you like crisps... ;D

    Worked as a kitchen fitter for 6 years, the novelty soon wears off...

    Bon courage... O0

    btw call that a wine rack... ;D
  4. MH did ours and although it was a massive pain he did it so well I might have to get him started on the bathroom now :)) I know how you're feeling but it'll be worth it when it's done.

    This is ours before:

    And after:

    Good old Ikea!
  5. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    I love fitting kitchens done loads.

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