new addition to the family...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Tiny-Pie, Feb 14, 2013.

  1. If it eats all its breakfast , it should be quite a big hampster!
  2. I had an albino hampster once, it broke its leg so the vet sniped it off, it then got an infection and all its hair fell out.
    It lived for years as a three legged , bald hampster, not pretty but still a friendly little chap.
    Tiny-Pie likes this.
  3. haha that bowl is actually so tiny...shes just a proper dinky little thing x
  4. On the topic of cute fury things...

    Wait for it...


    I cleaned the rabbits out this morning, and my lad helped by keeping the rabbits occupied, it took him half an hour to round up both rabbits!


    So what did you think I was going to post?
  5. I don't know which is cuter the rabbits or your little boy...he's adorable!! x
    Robo likes this.
  6. Don't fall for the cute & innocent look he can be a real diva! Although he will be in his element tomorrow with all the Molly's, he calls every camper a Molly and he calls ours my Molly!
    Tiny-Pie likes this.
  7. Right on both counts ;)
  8. My hamster was called Basil :)
    Terrordales likes this.

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