My Bay Has Been Cloned....

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TheGazman, Mar 17, 2013.

  1. [​IMG]
    I knew it was a clone and not my bus, as this one had an outstanding interior....
    ....and a suspicious couple were seen lurking around it !
    [​IMG] If you look closely at our bus, those of you with a keen eye, may spot the obvious giveaway.....
    .......that's right, our bus has fake fuchs, and the imposter clearly has the genuine article.
    bernjb56, art b, Poptop2 and 7 others like this.
  2. That is one hell of a cake!!!!! I love it. Happy Birthday by the way!!!!!!!!!! :)
  3. Happy birthday dude:thumbsup:
  4. are those thermal window insulators from Just Kampers..Happy Birthday.
  5. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Happy birthday Gary. Great cake, I bet it was hard to make the first cut.
  6. Thanks for the birthday wishes guys, it was on Friday...... then Saturday......then the early hours of Sunday morning, I'm sure a blinding headache will kick in soon.
    ...... Oh and Zed making the first cut was like making the decision to drill holes for a 70's style aerial on your newly painted bus front panel, rather than drilling no holes and having a screen aerial!
    paradox likes this.
  7. Oh and by the way , my compliments to Just Kampers on the fabulous thermal insulators, as no filling was harmed during the making and transporting of this vehicle ( Other makes of thermal insulators are available!)
  8. hailfrank

    hailfrank Admin esq.

    Nice looking cake. Happy birthday
  9. Happy Belated Birthday! Sounds like you've had a good one :) xx
  10. Brilliant! Happy Birthday to you Sir
  11. Brilliant cake, shame to cut it! Belated happy birthday!
  12. Birdy

    Birdy Not Child Friendly

    That's epic!!!! Even down to the side markers. Loving the work. And 3 layers of butter cream, Hmmmmmmmmm Nice. Happy 50th.
  13. Awesome cake, happy birthday weekend :)
  14. some nice cake making work ....:thumbsup:
  15. First, HAPPY BIRTHDAY :)
    Second, what a lovely looking cake
    Third, at the age of 50, I am sure you should be a member of the MOTTLBOFC but I do not see it in you signature :(
    Farrantini likes this.
  16. Happy birthday fella.

    That looks like a tasty clone. Can't believe they were able to clone the wheels and the bumpers. Fair play to the baker.
  17. [​IMG]
  18. Me a member of MoTTLBOFC? I'm abstaining and refusing to grow old gracefully, in fact I'm just refusing to grow old.....
  19. For your bespoke clone, this lady is fantastic, she even does the characters from your photos so they are proper caricatures of you and all your blemishes! She did a football clubs cake with every player looking, well like they do! She is based in Epsom Surrey. Don't ask me how much, it was gift and I haven't got a clue!

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