Motor home and Caravan show in October?

Discussion in 'Shows Events You've Missed unless you went' started by Popsy, Sep 27, 2016.

  1. Thinking of going to check out drive away awnings , has anyone been , is it any good?

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  2. never been I always thought it would be mostly caravans as far as the eye can see I think @bernjb56 went last year
    Popsy likes this.
  3. I have been, it's caravans n motorhomes as far as the eye can see.
    There's a few awnings but not really much fun stuff to buy.

    I'll not be going again.
    Popsy likes this.
  4. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    We have been a couple of times. I wouldn't bother to go for an awning. Khyam will be there but most of the other awnings will be Caravan ones which would just look silly on a Bay, albeit rather spacious ;)
    Popsy likes this.
  5. Ok thanks , that has saved me a trip

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  6. I quite enjoy it, but then again I'm a big kid and I hop in and out of all the caravans and motorhomes, bounce on the seats and open all the cupboards. I have no intention of ever buying either, but they don't know that. We're hoping they may have show deals on a fridge... It's a good excuse to go anyway!

    We looked at driveaway awnings last year - very few to see, but at least we got a good idea of quality of the main brands.
    Lasty and Popsy like this.
  7. if you go you might like the caravans and def like the motorhomes , i went ten years ago and i almost bought a £53 k bessacar motorhome with fixed rear bed and garage and more , sometimes you just wonder why you didnt huh :D
    Beckybutty and Popsy like this.
  8. Probably best I don't take the wife then !

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    Beckybutty and Barneyrubble like this.

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