MORE door card nonsense

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by volkswombat, May 12, 2015.

  1. Anyone got or had these

    Ebay number.

  2. Keeling54

    Keeling54 Supporter

    Too many holes for me.
    zed likes this.
  3. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    You have to screw them on, doesn't look so nice. :)
  4. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

    Says they come with reusable fasteners, assume they're fur tree fixing, will hide all the holes ;)
    paradox likes this.
  5. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    If that's your bag. Still got all the fixings on show.
  6. Ah so a molly clip is a screw (and a rawl plug!)
    Yep that's gonna look gash, my last door cards were screwed on,....
  7. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

    I've seen @volkswombat van I know his tastes ( or lack thereof ) :D
    vanorak likes this.
  8. Oi :p

    My van is done in the " not give a monkeys, " taste . least its out being used though!
  9. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

    You must be going to beulie then ;)
  10. Might do.
    Went Sussex last week.
    Going Berkshire next week!
  11. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

    Wow ;)

    Did you make it both ways without breaking something :)
  12. Just me that's broken....where's me cider
    davidoft likes this.
  13. Correx advertising board for the cheapskate win:thumbsup:

  14. Yep I have them, fit is really good. The fixing are black plastic so blend in with the board and I think they look good.
    volkswombat likes this.
  15. Would you be so kind as to show us yours?
    (I'll show you mine too if you want) :)
    Merlin Cat likes this.
  16. Still think you'd be better off with a set of mine! :thumbsup:
  17. Ideally yes, but if I fit a pair of normal door cards, I need to strip my door and replace seals, scrapers etc, and the plastic membrane, so the cards dont get ruined again, which realistically ain't happening soon!
    those black ones off eBay are plastic, can bang em straight on and not worry about it, so a good easy solution for now, possibly........
  18. A gentle reminder ! :)

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