
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by paradox, Oct 6, 2013.

  1. A while ago moons said somthing to me that clicked in my head
    I found out later that he wasent being harsh he just had a battle of his own and it made him see life in a different view

    Im glad hes bouncing back to good health and im awaiting his view on threads

    Oh somthing along the lines of more natural soap and less why dont para undrstand the world
    jivedubbin and steveagain like this.
  2. I think one of the issues with this forum and others like it, is that it feels like a genuine social interaction, whereas, in reality, it's quite contrived. True, some folk on here know each other personally, and would continue to socialize regardless, but it's easy to forget that people have other things going on beyond the snapshots and soundbites that all forums are limited to.

    I find it fascinating that there is now a generation of people for whom mobile 'phones, instant messaging, social media, etc. are the norm. It's changing the very nature by which we communicate, and, more importantly, what we convey...for better or worse, I've come to the conclusion that forums don't facilitate an extension of your personality, but rather allow the user to project another online identity, which adapts according to the recipient. One could argue that people do this inherently, but online, Leopards can, and often do, change their spots.

    We had a similar conversation (face to face) at techenders the other month. I recounted a tale about a lady at work who was a regular on a forum. She noticed that because she was female, she illicited certain responses from males and other females (nothing new there)...but then she started posting as a male, to gauge reactions...and ultimately, she ended up replying to her own posts in conversations, as both psychologists may well say she has issues, but in fact she is a well-adjusted, mentally and emotionally sound woman in her mid forties. My point regarding the above, is that this would not happen were it not for the internet providing the opportunity to do so...
  3. Sorry but I didn't even read that.

    This isn't a 'social media' site.

    It is what is it.

    You either see it or you don't
    snotty likes this.
  4. By definition this is a social media site>how can it not be?(genuine question btw)
  5. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    @Joker define what you think it is then? i'd have called it a social media site myself or social interaction at least, it's certainly more than just an information forum.
    as for the original post as para rightly says, sometimes it's worth standing back if you see someone is "off sorts" you just never know if they have things going on that they want to keep to themselves, if someone is being a bit "different" a pm is always my 1st port of call nowardays as I tend to know if someone I interact with a lot is typing out of character.
    carlot25 and Poptop2 like this.
  6. errm im really like this :oops: i just need alot of humour in my life to cheer me up and if i cant get it i laugh at myself and what i write to make myself laugh:lol:
  7. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    I would say this " open" post is a little early re moons recovery stage. I am sure he will make the tears roll one way or another when he is back to full fatness:thumbsup:
  8. No, what I meant was it's not twitter or Facebook where you have faceless 'friends'

    It's more like an AA meeting. Or a bring and buy sale coffee morning
    Lord Congi, bernjb56 and rickyrooo1 like this.
  9. by definition its a social media site .
  10. Ok. I stand corrected
  11. any news rick hows he feeling after his ride with you?
    steveagain likes this.
  12. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    he was very tired yesterday when i got him home, his mom is over from wales i've not heard off him today so i suspect he's been done for murder.
    steveagain and Barneyrubble like this.

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