FREE Mig welder, Sip 130 Turbo. May need a little work.

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by happystamps, Nov 3, 2015.

  1. Hi all!
    One last go before the skip!
    This was given to me a long time back and I used it half to death, but now I've got a big orange one so it's going spare. Seems to work OK- I had to make a repair to the circuit board, but it feeds wire and strikes an arc. I haven't hooked it up to any gas (only reason I repaired the circuit board is because I ran out of gas and couldn't weld up the bus last night) but yeah, good sign. Tried to get shot over on VZI but nobody bit- ah well.

    I'll pop up some pictures.

    Both covers loose in this photo, I've screwed the permanent one back on- it's missing a couple of screws, but no biggie.


    Comes without wire I'm afraid. I made a wee strap to stop the rollers slipping which works very well.


    I think the torch may need looking at, but not sure (if so, it'll just be gas, everything else is tested OK). It's a bit manky looking, and there's no sleeve for all your cables and gas lines to go through (Just wind some gaffa tape around the bundle, be ugly but OK).

    Would it be of any use to anyone? If so it can be collected from WR7 4RR. Let me know :)


    Poptop2 likes this.
  2. there are three screws in the bottom of the wire feed side. ;)
  3. Simon it's a bloody shame you are so far away as this would do me nicely for a little play :(
  4. Yeah- I forgot to mention. The welder's free, those screws are £50 a pop ;-)

    If you can find someone to collect, you're more than welcome :)


    bluething likes this.
  5. It maybe of use to me, I've been using my in laws and I think he wants it back :eek:
    will let you know
  6. I'm down the road in Bewdley could take it off your hands as long as you give me a tutorial
  7. I remember putting a stack of coins under the adjusta to stop it slipping....:D
  8. Whereabouts are you?
  9. Looks like i'm ok till the spring! so I better get a move on :D
  10. I'm in Worcester- between Worcester and Pershore, really. More tea Vicar, Bertie bus, first to confirm they want it gets it :)
  11. Durham matey
  12. No worries. Just that I was going upto Midlands next week and could of brought it back South if you were this way, but clearly not!
  13. Oh cripes, there's two of you. Now I'm lost.
    Bertie the Bus likes this.
  14. If this is still available can I take it please.
  15. Aye happy but at opposite ends of the country lol
    Cheers for the gracious offer Bertie :)
  16. Promised to More Tea Vicar :) Cheers chaps


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