Magical trevs last post!!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Magical Trevor, Sep 21, 2012.

  1. I'm pretty new too TP.

    ive never noticed any cliques though. Only Malc and Ricky's love in. But hey truckers are a desperate lot. :)
  2. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

  3. So should i NOT tell or talk about this wonderful place??[glow=red,2,300] NAH will not happen![/glow]
    Group hug! [shadow=red,left]
    OK--who's hand is on my bum?? :thinking:
    i guess i'm seeking attention ??
  5. dog

    dog Tea Boy

    peace and love Bri, see you around buddy :thumbsup:
  7. They're always very popular these sorts of threads. Place your bets now. How many pages will it go on for? :D
  8. Pod


  9. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

  10. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Oh and Dan swore btw -- snigger :) :)
  12. Will the last one out please shut the door behind them...
  13. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Gotta leave it open for others to laugh at our demise , good heavens how we gonna party and meet if some people keep this theme of thread up ?.
  14. Glad to see the back of him. :thinking:

    Now let me get up to ramming speed. The Bumpnudger is coming for a second go. :dog:

    Will miss you on here, but i know we will still keep in touch. :)
  15. Yeh me too
    nowt but trouble.

    did a nice breakfast though
  16. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

  17. All the best Trev dude,

    A while ago...after TLB was reborn, I felt it was cliquey, so I put a post up about leaving, massive response, heaps of karma and if I'm not wrong it got seriously thread jacked which made me laugh ;D....I also have not a clue whats going on ?, but then I don't really care, after all, until you meet peeps from here, it's only a cool forum, then you meet peeps and it becomes a communications vehicle for those that have met, and thus seems cliquey, it still is and allways will be...and after the response I had when I said I was going I ended up staying, as I still like the fact that you can post what the hell you want on here within reason, I wouldn't on EB as it would get slated...far to grown up over there ::)

    Some peeps stay...some go, I'm staying until somebody steps over the red line and slates my crossover in an unwarrented way...then it's war ;D

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