LP's book

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by mollysdad, Jan 13, 2014.

  1. Thought I read somewhere that Haynes had pulled the plug on LP's book but it's still available for pre-order on Amazon with issue date of 6th Feb. Have I got it wrong?
  2. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

    Haynes went bankrupt so it was assumed lauries book would not be printed, but someone said another publisher has taken it on
  3. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    I've heard Bentley are publishing it, dunno much else though
  4. That's what I thought but I can't find anything on the web about Haynes going bust. Their website still seems to be trading. In fact according to Company Check it is a healthy company!
  5. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    I'm not sure Haynes went bust, but they were bought out I think and LP's book didn't fit their vision...
    But I do know they happilly gave their rights to him and all the work they'd done editing etc and last we spoke he was going to see a publisher.
    It will come out even if he has to publish it himself which I've suggested to him a few times, but he's not keen.
  6. I'd heard that Haynes were going to change tack to do more stuff for the professional market, as there wasn't really any money in the DIY manual market any more.

    Not sure where this leaves LP's book. Sure someone else will take it on.
  7. [​IMG]
    Are you talking about my memoirs? Ding Dong!
    snotty likes this.
  8. Twit :rolleyes:
  9. [​IMG] T wooo
  10. Makes a bit more sense Zed. You would have thought Amazon would have taken it off sale to save themselves some grief in doing refunds
  11. Haynes are still going strong. They sold their printing business and moved more to online media and a state of the art digital print press in the US, which meant they could print to demand so they could launch old or new titles at very low cost, and therefore much greater profit
  12. Sadly they likely looked at the market size versus pre-release sales/orders and pulled out as a result. If they're not pulling £250k profit out of a publication in a few months trading they won't get out of bed for it.

    Hopefully someone will take it on
  13. Razzyh

    Razzyh Supporter

    I have a friend who might be able to help on the self publishing route.

    I do some work for a literary agency, but unfortunately this isn't there thing :(

    Fixed that!!
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2014
  14. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    No need, he's got it all in hand. :thumbsup:
  15. Haynes's are based locally to me, I haven't heard that they've bust..

    They are still building their Motor Museum extension, Which I'd have thought would be a luxury side of their business
  16. That's because they haven't. They're healthy and turning a profit for their share holders
  17. :lol:



  18. Laurie featured on TV yesterday in "Beetle Crisis", giving a masterclass in engine rebuilds :thumbsup:
  19. Razzyh

    Razzyh Supporter

    What does LMGHAO mean?
  20. dog

    dog Tea Boy

    Great hairy ass maybe? ;)
    Razzyh likes this.

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