Like Reggae?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Zed, Nov 22, 2013.

  1. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    If you do, you'll love this.
    Here's a link to a great internet radio show.
    2 hours once a month and you can listen to the last year's worth.
    When it was less mainstream you could download it, but not now. :(
    It's all dub... so plug your computers into the stereo and turn it up. :)
    chrisgooner, Tiny-Pie and kenregency like this.
  2. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Love reggae:thumbsup:
  3. Me likes a bit a Colly an ting:cool:
  4. Yes going to listen to that when I get time
  5. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    don't mind it but prefer ska.
  6. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Love ska.
    Here's another.
    Google will find them - Disorda dub chronicles
    Disorder is a DJ for them what don't know, very famous. lol The reggae is a sideline, Hip-Hop's his thing really.

    Here's another dub chronicles show...
  7. Jack Tatty

    Jack Tatty Supporter and teachers pet

    I loves me reggae but I like to mix it up......not too much dub..... Bit of pop stuff, some lovers rock, ska ..... Link doesn't work for me though :-(
  8. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Tis as you say with dub versions - not whacky stuff, all very tasteful. Every reggae record has always had a dub version usually on the B-side. :)
    Checked link and it works for me.

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