FREE Late bay love interior

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by AdyF, May 27, 2014.

  1. Hi all

    This is once more available to anyone who's interested and can pick it up. I ended up not installing it.

    Here is the link to the original listing and some info

    LHD interior complete with sink tap and cooker
    Its free to a late bay member in need
    It needs to be collected from Cambridgeshire
    Paradox would like it to go to someone who is struggling to get there bus usable

    Its not show winning but is a very usuable and average condition unit

    NO bed or extras but its yours if you need it and can collect

  2. sANDYbAY

    sANDYbAY On benefits-won't sponsor!

    @paradox this looks almost perfect for you and you're struggling to get your bus useable. :)
    bernjb56, paradox, AdyF and 1 other person like this.
  3. :lol::p
  4. BUMP
  5. Is no one at all interested in a FREE interior?
  6. Gutted it's LHD - after an interior for a RHD and I'm in Cambridgeshire :(
  7. Well you'll just have to switch your bus around ;)
  8. Thats only a mornings work isn't it?? @AdyF!!
    AdyF likes this.
  9. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    I'm guessing it's only 4 bolts ;)
    konaboy6284 and 3TNC like this.
  10. This needs to be gone within the next couple of weeks.

    So if no one wants a FREE interior I'm going to be forced to put this on eBay.

    So come on people. There must be someone who could use this.
  11. What a great offer someone must be able to make use of it,
    AdyF likes this.
  12. Hi,
    I'll take if poss but would not be able to collect until weekend
    Would be good to use as a temp plate
  13. Pick up this weekend would be great
  14. Does the new owner want the cooker specifically. INterested as might go nicely with my current orange theme!
  15. Dicky,
    You can have it if you wish.
    I'll pm you for the address.
  16. This has to be gone by Friday night or its going to have to go to the dump :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

    I just don't have room to store it.

    Someone come and use it please.
  17. Bump

    Ady maybe try advertising it on prototype bay and vzi
    It would be a shame for it to go to the dump
  18. Totally agree @paradox

    It's all a matter of timing that's the problem
  19. Bump
  20. I'll take it please if possible mate
    paradox likes this.

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