WANTED Late bay dash cluster - no dials

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by Bumblebee, Apr 13, 2023.

  1. Hi, I’m after a late bay dash cluster (RHD) like the one shown below but without the dials if you can help?

  2. stirlingmoz

    stirlingmoz Supporter

    How good does it have to be ?

    I need to root around in my stash but I think I might have one with some damage.

  3. Needs to be in good shape mate. Mine was in good shape but weirdly an air freshener has melted the plastic!!!
  4. stirlingmoz

    stirlingmoz Supporter

    So I have 2 it appears. Both RHD.


    The top one has a chip out of it


    The bottoms one has a hole drilled in the face blocked by a black plastic number plate bolt


    No worries if neither is any good.

  5. The top one would have been a perfect match for mine but the chip would bug me. Thanks though
  6. stirlingmoz

    stirlingmoz Supporter

    No problemo


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