Late bay couriers, can you help?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Andy hinch, Mar 15, 2014.

  1. Hi all
    Just wondering if anyone will be travelling between Worcester/Birmingham and Manchester any time soon.

    I am possibly buying the stereo equipment off @manyprojects but the postage would be high due to the weight etc

    Any help would be great
  2. Thursday 2pm at Worcester to Manchester that afternoon. Staying near The Railway Station.
  3. Which station?? That would be great if you could get them up here
  4. Piccadilly.
    McDonald hotel.
    I know where @manyprojects lives.
  5. I work late on Thursday so wouldn't b able to get into Manchester centre until 9ish would that be a problem?
  6. Not for me, I'll be *******ed by then!
    I can leave it in reception and/or you can collect Thurs/fri then. I don't check out until 7pm Friday.
  7. I can come Friday as I am off work, I will see which will work out best, what time will you be in Manchester from??
  8. Pick up from @manyprojects say, 2pm then drive to Manchester so be there by 4.30 ish.
    On the lash until 3am ish then up at 8 for business meeting until 5pm. Then checking out about 7pm to come home.
  9. Looks like the hotel reception is the best bet then :)
  10. Yep, I'll leave a note with your name on it.
    Will PM my number incase there's any issues.
  11. Magic, I will sort the rest with manyprojects

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