Just to say hello

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourselves' started by Ashsebs, Aug 28, 2016.

  1. Howdy another nice jaffa bus :thumbsup:
    Ashsebs likes this.
  2. Devon the best..more pics please.:cool:
    Ashsebs and paulcalf like this.
  3. Don't have many empty interior pics but tbh it's pretty much original so nothing out of the ordinary.

    Attached Files:

    taiga79 likes this.
  4. Do you also have a Devon? Any pics ?

    Attached Files:

  5. CollyP

    CollyP Moderator

    Howdy! :)
    Ashsebs likes this.
  6. Welcome, we love late devons here :thumbsup:
    Ashsebs, taiga79 and paulcalf like this.
  7. Welcome, lovely looking Devon.

    I've got a late Devon, also with a full width bed. Currently considering my cooker options. With the bed out, is there much room to stand between end of bed and the Devon cooker unit?

    I have a buddy seat behind the drivers chair and am wondering if I could squeeze a Devon cooker in behind passenger seat, but still have enough room to get out of bed and put kettle on or get out the sliding door?

    Enjoy your Devon
    taiga79 likes this.
  8. I have the same set up with cooker that swings out and buddy seat behind drivers chair and yes the is still room but I will upload a pic once taken 1 tomorrow if you like.thanks for the nice comments every one
    paulcalf and art b like this.
  9. Thanks that would be very kind
  10. Greetings from Cornwall , I dont have a Devon !!

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