Just over an hour to go !

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by GONA66, Apr 29, 2016.

  1. It's been on my mind for several weeks now, tomorrow I hit 50 !!..... Don't know wether to laugh or cry....gone very emotional as I post this,you look back over the years.....I miss my dad :( ..........I've two lovely boys (9 and 8)......a good lady......a VW Bay :thumbsup: .........some good mates.......my mums going strong...........................I'M LUCKY, I'm going celebrate my birthday ! something I never usually do.
    fritt, stagmanv835, bernjb56 and 8 others like this.
  2. Happy birthday for tomorrow, I hope you have a lovely day
    GONA66 likes this.
  3. Thank you.
  4. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    Feck I gave birthdays up at 16, grow up its just another day/year the world will be the same .
    paul2590 likes this.
  5. Happy birthday ish! 50is no age. Kids will keep you active mate!
    allibus likes this.
  6. Well I've never celebrated a birthday, never had a birthday party not even as a child, but tomorrow .... Seems like I should celebrate ,and yes it will be another day My BIRTHday
  7. 53 last week. still feel 21 some times. 50 is the new 40.
    have a good one.:beer:
  8. All us cool kids are 50:D I hated getting to 40 but being 50 is no problem, it was the first time in years I enjoyed my birthday:thumbsup:
  9. There's one answer you laugh
    Your 50!
    congratulates life is for living so what you waiting for! Go and find it!
    GONA66 likes this.
  10. Had a great party when I hit the big 50 had 2 days of work. Camper turned into b and b seems a long time ago
  11. By the way happy birthday
    GONA66 and theBusmonkey like this.
  12. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    The really kewl kidz are 60+
    Scientific fact.
    chad, taiga79, Jack Tatty and 4 others like this.
  13. theBusmonkey

    theBusmonkey Sponsor

    So, it's now today...Happy Birthday!
  14. Barry Haynes

    Barry Haynes I dance in leopard skin mankini’s

    50,you are now officially old, it's all downhill from now, false teeth, aches pains, wrinkles, things stop working, you start to get that old persons smell, Nappies, slippers with zips, HAPPY BIRTHDAY
    GONA66 likes this.
  15. Have a goodun you old fart ;):p:D !
    GONA66 likes this.
  16. In the words of the recently gone prince ,

    .....so tonight night im gona party like ... I'm still 49 !
  17. ron


    Yesterday I was 66 us taureans ( however you spell it) live for it enjoy it mate
    Merlin Cat and GONA66 like this.
  18. :thumbsup: Nice one welcome to the 50,s club our kids have flown the nest we are enjoying ourselves Mrs B is 50 on Saturday we are enjoying an early birthday in Thailand
    Once again happy birthday mate

    Jimbo aka Mr B
    Merlin Cat and GONA66 like this.
  19. Happy ancient birthday x
    GONA66 likes this.
  20. I'm 53 With a Bay , what more do you need
    Girls have left home and still Bank of Daddy is still open

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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