Just Kampers 12v/240 fridge

Discussion in 'Camper Conversions' started by charlene, Feb 6, 2015.

  1. Is the above any good ?? We had a waeco in our t4 but can't justify price again so this looked like a good alternative ??
  2. Which one? If its the cheap absorption one then it will kill a leisure battery quite quickly
  3. We have one works well, we always put it on 240v overnite before we go run it off the battery when we are on the move then plug into mains on site, they are very quite,
    Never just ran it off battery overnite so can't say if they use much battery,
  4. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    the clue is in the "12v on the move" if you use it parked up on 12v you will kill your battery very quickly.
  5. it's fine if you always camp with a hook up

    the 12v side can only really be used with the engine running
  6. So Waeco is the best?
  7. yeh or gas , mine has all three but 12v ok when on the move , but if you stop and forget its on it will kill it in an hour or so .
  8. Waeco ordered and at £70 less than just Kampers, at grasshopper leisure :)
    Merlin Cat likes this.

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