just for fun

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by vdub brvs, Nov 29, 2013.

  1. . .
    just for fun
  2. most of them are my ex girlfriends...:thumbsup:
  3. yeh thats me doing them hand flips too :thumbsup: cheers for that @vdub brvs made me realise how old i really am :oops:
  4. sorry barney, am 41 and a granddad myself, but I still like to look. . . . .at the long boards you understand lol.
    Barneyrubble likes this.
  5. dog

    dog Tea Boy

    banged them all.............twice...................in one night!

    then i woke up ;)
  6. Was that the same night you had the annurism?;)

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