Just finished "The Bridge S2" and am a bit shell shocked

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Bertiebot, Feb 9, 2014.

  1. I know there are Bridge fans on here. I was a bit slow to start watching S2 but it was epic. Talk about tragic endings, I can't think of a happy one in a scandi noir thriller (probably the clue is in the noir). Pernille was shaping up to be Martin's happy ending but hey, we are in noir land here. As for Saga, what a fab character. Unbelievably tragic.

    By the way I also noticed a weird common thread across Denmark and Sweden in it.


    Everyone appears happy to live their life in open view behind panoramic glass windows.

    Any tips on anything that can fill the Oresund shaped hole in my evenings would be welcome.
  2. You'd have thought that Viktoria, with all her dosh, could've nipped down to IKEA for some curtains. Thought her house was vile...looked like some kind of office building.

    I'm still suffering Saga withdrawal symptoms, but Salamander is pretty good - first two episodes last night. Lots of beards - it's like a Belgian version of the Sweeney, but with Lib Dems playing all the parts.
  3. Quite a funny vid, showing that even Scandinavians take the p*ss out of Scandinavian accents. Actually, I confess it's just an excuse to watch Sofia H again :)


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