It doesent matter

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by paradox, Jan 13, 2013.

  1. After poptops post about tolerance i went out into the countryside for a while and cam back with my own thoughts

    I came up with the conclusion that we are all desperate for an escape from normal life

    It doesent matter how much money you have happiness is what matters

    Those that have the money to buy busses and pay others to restore them for them

    They aint our enemys they are just people like us looking for an escape
    The only difference is we were there first lol

    I will be the first to be honest and say the t4 is the new late bay

    It doesent matter what you arive in just leave your problems at the door and bring your love with you ;D
  2. dog

    dog Tea Boy

    good speech buddy :thumbsup:
  3. Cheers guys

    Ive slayed a lot of demons this winter and its nice to be back in the deepness chair
  4. Wise words!
  5. Thx dude
  6. very true stay happy keep smiling thru money cant buy the best things in life 8) Nice one para :thumbsup:
  8. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    T4 the new late bay? seriously? i was with you 'til then...... i reckon it's of an era where it's one of the last style of engines you could probably work on yourself without a laptop to tell you what's up but i'm unsure if it will ever become "loved" like a T2, to be honest i think the T25 has been more accepted by the general public as "a vw camper" than it used to be don't you agree? i'd have a T4 though if i could - but only if it was a short wheelbase diesel one.
  9. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

  10. Reasonable excuse for a walk. They are just vans....easily said when youve poured hours of your life into them eh but take your point. I dont think anyone really thinks of anyone as the enemy. Just a bit of healthy distain for the shallower amongst us. Not summat youd ever be accused of.

    Not a fan of T4s and much prefer the T25!
  11. I don't understand why there is any animosity towards anyone with a van, no matter how it got there. We're all different with different circumstances. I work hard everyday and don't have the time or the expertise to make my van look any better than it is unless I pay someone to do it. I've arrived at this point of my life through circumstance, who knows where the next road will take me but wherever it does I hope prejudice won't be there. Live and let live
  12. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    i am pleased to have inspired you dude , sometime's i write down my thought's in the process of doing my book , they sound crud so i chuck them on tlb to see the response , usually they then get binned but i might go back to that one !

    Early t25s are uber cool imo ( cos i had one ) and i really do not care what people spend on their buses or what type they are i just don't like people getting condescending about their superior wealth or ride .
  13. matty

    matty Supporter

    You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of.

    Real peace comes only when you stop chasing it
  14. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

  15. Very true Para. Keep on with the country walks and the tree's good for your sanity........well it works for me anyway :)

    Saw this poster on another forum the other day and thought I would share it here.

  16. That's very true Chilli, next time someone has a whinge in work it would be worth quoting that to them :)
  17. I'd rather hear people have a good moan now and again than all this dreary psychobabble spouted all over the internet.
  18. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

  19. To Para's original post......Wise words.

    To Chilli's follow up, something to print out and read each day me thinks.

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