Is TLB just a cool Caravan Club ?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Purplepantyman, May 1, 2012.

  2. Yes apparently they had a really nice night out. At the cinema
  3. one weekend last summer we stayed amongst some caravaners which was fine but i did have to giggle on the sunday morning
    i got up we had breakfast and started to watch the caravaners start to break camp so i took the awning down and stuck it in the back of the bus went off swimming came had lunch and sat back still watching them break camp drain this empty that unplug roll up
    took em hours lol
    too much fafing about for me
  4. Yes. There was this one time where I saw this couple and they took absolutely ages putting up there foldable table up and storage units;) I think they bought it from Pioneer caravans. So there's another sign of moving to the caravan club ethos
  5. Did he get an answer to the weed question then?
  6. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    We sold a 16footer to jion this cool club of no money but bags of fun.
  7. If anyone wants to join the caravan club my parents are selling a caravan :)
  9. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

  11. i would have to slow down if towing a caravan
  12. Thinking the caravan club virus is getting to me already.

    Here seen having some dinner in a layby, hope i can fight off the devastating virus.
  13. Slippery slope ;) Kettle on the boil is it? ;)
  14. You are all right Alan this is a very early symptom. As yet I can't see the infestation of a flask of tea so you will most likely be able to recover from this illness;)
  15. Daily Mail reading, UKIP voting, bumbag wearing swingers. Not forgetting the multi pocketed khaki coloured waist coat.
  16. spongebob

    spongebob Supporter

  17. A VOMP ;D fantastic

    So when's the TLB linedancing and western weekend camp?
  19. seriously i would like to try do line dancing but not in a caravan- no room

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