Is techenders happening !

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by davedub, Jan 30, 2014.

  1. Just had a proper search for any news on this as I was unable to make the last 2 due to work commitments and holiday.

    Have been desperate to go to one for a year now and just wanted to know if it will happen again.

    Any info would be great as I just got my on call rota for this year.

    Must remember to watch the thread also. Of there is one for the next event.
  2. i second that...
  3. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

  4. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    Yep, weekend of 25th - 27th April.
    No thread yet.
  5. Bloody Hell, not again!
    I am ALWAYS out of the country for Techenders. :(
  6. I believe it's completely naked this year...
    1973daisey and Ermintrude like this.
  7. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    as i said in the last years post i was asked in, i will start a thread nearer the time, it will get filled with waffle if started now IT IS ON WEEKEND OF 25 APRIL i'll start it at the end of FEB.
  8. image.jpg
  9. We don't really want your sort there tbh...
    Keith.H likes this.
  10. It's "tbr" not "tbh" - moron! ;)
    Keith.H likes this.
  11. seeing as I've got your attention: Three words.....Greenhalgh's Porridge HAVE to try it:thumbsup:
  12. Try it!?!?!
    We near bloody invented it!
    We made the Hovis version (which was 1st on the market 3 years ago), admittedly Greehalgh's is better. :confused:
  13. When exactly are you in this country? :D
  14. Total tastes like bread used to when I was a kid.....makes lovely toast......Jeez I'm middle aged:(:D
  15. Git!
    Scotland next month, France in March, South Africa in April, Belgium in May, Italy in June, Ireland in July, Norway in August.........
    Er, actually you have a point. :oops:
    Gonna enjoy that Bus this year! (Going to all in the bus except SA)
  16. It's the pin head oats that alter the feel on the palette, very moorish and actually quite good for you given the Beta Glucan.
  17. that's exactly what I was thinking....;)
  18. Liar! :)
    I don't know what ricky is on about, as if we'd fill his thread with waffle.
    physiopro, Ermintrude and vanorak like this.
  19. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    For anyone who doesn't know. :)
    Techenders doesn't belong to any persons or forum, it's organic, that's how Rickyroo got lumbered with it for the moment and the Tuesday's (Wildchild) before him.
    Techenders is free apart from the (cheap) camping.
    Anyone who wants to get involved, if you're come along you will be as much a part of it as someone who's been to the last 10.
    It's very chilled.
    @rickyrooo1 There's been a few of these threads, maybe start the thread now so at least everyone has one place to go to find details and ask?
    MarcT512, Robo, paradox and 1 other person like this.
  20. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    feel free to do that mate i got a lot on this next few weeks so won't be monitoring it much, ask a mod to sticky it? i can't answer a load of questions for a few weeks but if you want to start one now that's fine people.

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