is my bus a devon?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by konaboy6284, May 27, 2013.

  1. found this when i took my front seat out,
    yet i was under the impression that devons had poptops,
    and cupboards and whatnot?

  2. yep, that's a devon sticker, so assuming it hasn't been pinched from another van, yours was a Devon. The pop top was an optional extra although most people had them. The interior might have been removed years ago.
    konaboy6284 likes this.
  3. ⬆⬆ This.
  4. Same thing with Westfalias. Everyone associates them with that distinctive poptop/roof rack combo, but you could get a Westfalia weekender van which was a tintop.
    konaboy6284 likes this.
  5. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    or these

    baygeekster likes this.
  6. thanks for that guys, i didnt know that :) new knowledge is always nice!
    it would seem i have a tintop devon, happy days! unless its just a stolen sticker... haha

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