Is it a boy or is it a girl??

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Barneyrubble, May 15, 2012.

  1. Well she's a girl called Leonie. Classy, beautiful and very sexy. Just like the girlfriend who is also Leonie. Yer, bucket at the ready, I know! :-*
  2. Milly is a lady 34 years old with curves in all the right places, she's currently undergoing some cosmetic surgery to restore her youthful good looks. :)
  3. pinky is a girl ...
  4. Earls a boy
  5. PIE


    I dont get the van gender thing, My two are the camper and the truck(crewie)
  6. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    WE have Ruby and Christine so both girls
  7. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

  8. PIE


  9. I've always thought all of my cars were girls. My van is Millie and the 3 cars I have owned were Penny, Rita and currently i have Beverley.
  10. My landy is a boy... called Beast... my beetle is a girl Bella and my lovely camper is def a girl...Molly T-pot... :)
  12. Despite long term ownership, I have not found any discernible genitalia and therefore have not been able to establish any gender. I do talk to it but so far it has never replied. Hence the chances of being able to ask it to tell me are slim.
  13. Ted is a boy.
    So called bacause he was bought from an Irish Family's father (Father Ted) and he's always Bus Ted.
  14. over the years I have mostly had male cars - my first car was elvis, then the pug, then a rover, then Cornelius, then the beast, then a series of fiestas - then pinky .... so yes - she is the first female i have had (car wise)
  15. Hattie's a girl, though not a dainty, flowery sort of girl - bit of a tomboy really. Never really got used to saying 'her' though - it's more 'the van' or 'the Hattie-van'.

    Called because of a whim before we even properly started looking to buy one, when I said if we ever get a van, we should call it Hattie (no idea where that came from). Then we saw it for sale, with the registration HTT....

    nooooo - of course that isn't why we bought this particular van. It's purple as well .... ;)
  16. Kitty is turquoise and is a girly
  17. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    Nope, it's just a bus
  18. Jasper is a boy, although I suspect he may be gay what with all the flowers ;D

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