Interior door cards, grommets and clips.....

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by Jasonm, May 21, 2013.

  1. So, is there a easier way to fit these 'bstard things or does it always involve swearing, sore fingers and so forth..... Should I persevere or reach for the 3M super strong double sided foam tape......:mad:
  2. Have you got the right sized kit? 8mm bungs in 8mm holes work with the standard clips just fine. Any other combination, including 6mm holes, will be an exercise in despair...

    If you have hole/bung issues, cover the hole with two squares of duct tape, then cut a "cross" in the centre of the hole. They'll do the same job as the bungs.
  3. Thanks Snotty, yeah, got the correct bungs ( eventually, I ordered the larger ones first by mistake as JK said they were for my year van , 72 onwards, mines a 77 however, they were miles too big so I got the smaller sized ones supposedly for earlier Bays and they fit ok ) its getting them all lined up at the same time Im having issues with, Ive started on the tailgate which might be my issue as its working 'upside down' as the tailgate is up.. I'll try a door next and see if its easier.... Thanks for the duct tape tip....
  4. Agreed that the bungs are rubbish. I ended up not fitting them as they would not fit. I also used tape around each of the clips. I was going to drill out each hole but thought. Cant be bothered. Surely they should fit.
  5. sANDYbAY

    sANDYbAY On benefits-won't sponsor!

    I've got some bungs left over from when I did mine - plus I'm BRILLIANT at fitting door cards. I'll need nice coffee AND chocolate biscuits if I pop over one evening to give you a hand. :)
  6. All the bungs on the last one i did ended up in the bottom of the door, they were too soft to stay in place, so gave up with them
  7. Getting them lined up can be a prob if you've got new cards, but original van bits. The holes in the cards aren't necessarily in the right position (you're obviously aware that you slip the clips in the card holes, then swivel them to "point" at a hole in the pressing). Sometimes they don't line up.

    The door cards should work fine, but my God there are a lot of clips. Getting the ones at the bottom edge and corners lined up nearly drove me mad. Worked fine eventually, but they're never coming off again :mad:. Clips & bungs are about the best way of attaching this stuff (very neat), just frustrating.
  8. For you my friend I will steal my children's KitKats and make them available... And I'll buy a new pack of Tassimo Coffee pods, not like the usual rubbish I give you... Name the evening and it's a deal!
  9. Not a problem with what I have, if anything I thought they were too stiff, the larger ones I got by mistake were squishy soft, but these are a lot firmer...
  10. Thanks, I will persevere, it looks like I have a expert coming to help, if I can stop him eating buscuits for 5 minutes to do some work that is.......
    Adam W likes this.
  11. Squishy is good :) I bought some JK ones made, I think, out of old noodles, and they were hopeless - too hard.
  12. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Regarding positioning the clips. Imagine they have to stretch the card from the centre outwards, fit them like that and you won't be far out. In fact, that's why they're done as they are - in case of shrinkage. ;)
    Scoob likes this.
  13. Cheers Zed.....
  14. I found (after drawing blood a few times) the best way to get the clips onto the card was to pull them on with a metal ruler.
  15. I found that sliding them in with pointy-nosed pliers, while shouting "get in there, you f***er" did the trick :mad:
    Lardy, Lofty, Majorhangover and 2 others like this.
  16. I have done just this on the sliding door, only to find the card doesn't even line up with the recess... I have bleeding knuckles and itchy forearms, sadly I read this thread AFTER I'd gone thru' the fiasco.

    I'll leave the other for a calmer time...
  17. I've actually managed to do the 2 front door cards, it was a b'stard of a thing.
    What I did was measure the distance of the holes in the door and position the clips the same distance apart on the card, then get the first couple to slot in the work around the rest and make the small adjustments nessasaray by tapping the clips gently to rotate them to the correct position, most worked out but a couple just weren't going to go, so I left them out....

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