insurance have a look at this.....

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by redarmy, Oct 12, 2013.

  1. this was Lucie calling adrian flux for the bug

    I rang up my car insurance company for a new quote and i give my name etc get to the bit where they give u the figures and she goes 'oh sorry i have to consult the underwriter as they are querying your job because you have a similar name to the girl off x factor' 'they have found out that you are not her but you are a world champion powerlifter is that right?' 'This will need to be put on your policy as a secondary job' me- but its not a job i dont get paid its just a sport that i do?! ' yes but you need to be put down as a sports person aswell as you are quite high up' so brilliant xfactor has just bumped my car insurance policy up! Cheers Lucy!
    Terrordales and steveagain like this.
  2. dog

    dog Tea Boy

    My god. But well done on the power lifting ;)
    redarmy likes this.
  3. Maybe they think you carry your own weights from event to event and so have to insure against the loss of them? (mental image of a scrawny tea leaf staggering down the road giving himself a hernia as he tries to make off with your weights!)
    And well done on the title!
  4. WOW! Why is the signature picture so big?
  5. Great achievement with the power lifting, so does all that lifting make you a worse driver.?????? :))
    redarmy likes this.
  6. Morning Uncle Rich ha ha ha Power lifter. My arse.
    redarmy likes this.
  7. lol not me lucie is the power lifter
  8. I thought that they would have picked up on the triathlons you do as a pro.
    redarmy likes this.
  9. Doh it's early, I'm laid in bed half asleep.
    But it's good to see you back.
    redarmy likes this.
  10. cheers mate
    but i didnt go any where
  11. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    Maybe they meant you are a "power drinker" o_O
    redarmy likes this.

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