I'm one of the 'Mrs that isn't a Mrs' members!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourselves' started by Mrsb0dyr0ck2006, Aug 10, 2011.

  1. I can't remember what my original intro post said, but something along the lines of "contrary to my username, b0dyr0ck2006 has yet to actually make a honest woman of me!"... goodness knows why I put up with him ;)

    I'm looking forward to the 'decorating' stage of our late bay 'Bumble' resto, I've already accessorised her with two little sunflowers inside on the dash :)

    I'll make more of an effort to chat this time around...hehe :D
  2. Hi and welcome back.
  3. Welcome back other "Mrs who isn't a Mrs", I'm in your gang too ;D
  4. Now look what you've gone and done again!

    Welcome back Mrsb0dyr0ck2006 :)
  5. Sorry Major, been stuck in the garage all day and didn't stop her in time :evil ;)
  6. Welcome Home
  7. Teehee MH and MrsMH :D
  8. welcome back ....theres some loving on here tonight its like we're all getting to know each other all over again :)
  9. Hello :)
  10. hailfrank

    hailfrank Admin esq.

    welcomed :)
  11. dog

    dog Tea Boy

    Welcome along! :)
  12. hello and welcome / welcome back (please delete as appropriate) :D

    this is one way of getting your thread count up!
  13. hey there mrs that isnt a mrs that sparked off a possible row with another mrs that isnt a mrs that we best not name!!


  14. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    hello mrs bodyrock!!
  15. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    i remember you - your not mrsbodyrock -

    Yet - welcome back !.
  16. Hello, there's only one way to sort this all out, Mrs majorhangover and mrs bodyrocks should fight it out in a tub of jelly for the ultimate title of mrs that isn't a mrs.

  17. welcome back :)
  18. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    Welcome back Mrsb0dyr0ck2006.
    I shall keep Ms.T away from the 'pooter until this thread is older, lest it starts the marriage thing again. ;D
    I will be hearing that on the weekend when her Mum & Dad come down, "When are you pair going to get married? etc, etc."

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