I smell bullsh1t

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by beatnick, Apr 8, 2021.

  1. Went to my neighbours funeral today, she was 85. She lived alone, had mild mental health problems, incontinence and a permanent headache.When this covid stuff started she lost all her routines like shopping, going to age concern, visiting friends.She would get visitors and eventually she was getting meals delivered and social care visits. Anyway my point is she lost touch with her kids ten or more years ago, no idea where they lived or how to contact them. Turns out they live within a twenty mile radius. She was known as a cantankerous old cow but I never saw that side. When I first started visiting I was polite but as I got to know her I got a bit cheeky with the double entendres which usually ended up with us both laughing.
    Today the speech given at the funeral mentioned that she was loved and will be missed by the children she left behind, yeh right, two of them never even attended.
    She once asked me what she should do with the money she had in the bank, I told her to leave it to Age concern who she had a lot of time for. I hope she left a will.
    Sorry, just needed to get that off my chest
  2. CollyP

    CollyP Moderator

    fingers crossed it was wisely distributed
  3. Day


    My mum spent her last years in a care home with dementia, no one visited, family were within 20mile radius didn't visit once.
    They all turn up at her funeral though.
    I had to bite my tongue not to say anything.
    Meltman and 3901mick like this.

  4. This comes to mind :mad:

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