I need a proper kick up the arse please.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Zed, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    I just can't be bothered and by the day more stuff I just can't be bothered to do piles up. There's a whacking great heap of it now and the bigger the list gets (if there was a list) the more I just can't be bothered.

    I know I should knuckle down and sort it all out, but I can't be arsed.

    Kick here please.

    :moon: like this :buttkick:

    Thanks. :)
  2. Here you go.

    :moon: like this :buttkick:

    Did that do the trick?
  3. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Its all a matter of prioritys mate , your brain is saying i must do this that n the other , your body is saying enough , its prioritising.

    Make a list , although i know you hate lists you rebellious git you and get on with slowly , every tick is something achieved , look at the end product , see wht your trying to achieve and do it a bit at a time .

    £900 for the beetle ? :)
  4. hire a mistress to whip you into shape .... fun and productive! ;)
  6. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    sounds like you are being bothered by the rules of the man, sod the butt kick chillax and light a fire
  8. Just chill n say a rude word ta the world ;)
  9. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Rick - it's house and business clearance, divorce, bills, bills, bills, bills, money slipping away, dealing with ex, wonky son, other son and his GF just left for a year round the world and left a big hole in the household where there was young happiness.

    Beetle won't start, business insurance ran out so can't legally drive it to MOT, but at least I'm trying to start it! whoopee - progress of a sort.


    Just been camping which is great, but it's just more avoidance of the neccessary. Time's slipping by and I just can't afford to live in the circumstances I'm in. I'm getting by by selling stuff - asset stripping the last 25 years. It'll run out soon though.

    Balls to it all. :(

    Getting drunk and burying head in the sand isn't the right advice - that's what I've been doing while the pile of unattended to "stuff" just keeps growing. Thanks for the thought though. :)
  10. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    ohhhhh soz man, i'm no good with serious stuff best advice, turn off the comp and crack on, then come to wales at the end of the month but although i'm no help if i can do anything to help however small let me know ok?
  11. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    You might have cracked it with turn off the computer and get stuck in. I spend too much time here. I'm off.
  12. Get on with it man...

    Sell everything you aint used in the last 6 months. you prob wont ever need it.
    if the beetle is a runner sell it on ebay or to malc, So he can buy cheap tack for it.
    As for the kids how old are they over 16, The Bank of Dad is Broke.. lend me a fiver.
    getting *******ed and burying your head in the sand will just delay things not bills.
    sell sell sell, and get on with your life.
    What you had was prob good.
    but thats it, the sooner you move forward the better it will be..
  13. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Thanks Phil. :)
    Started Beetle and booked it in for MOT tomorrow.
    I have another thing on the list - I have a late bay that's all restored, but needs about a day of final prep then painting. I had a reassessment of that this afternoon and decided better get on with it as it's a bit worthless how it is. Anyone want a late bay Devon (straight up concertina roof - tired interior) solid as a rock after 6 weeks of welding and grinding. Now's your chance to pick a colour, or it'll be all white so anyone who buys can get the lower half blown over to a colour of their choice without too much expense. Or just keep it white. It's all complete, but if I knew someone wanted it it would spur me on to finish it and fork out for the seals etc etc to put it back together. Price? No idea yet before you ask. Same for the Beetle. Need to have a think. :)
  14. I'm in a similar situation mate. Difficult to motivate myself to do stuff like sort my tax out (I'll get to it BD) and sell vehicles I don't need. New business, money going out faster than it's going in, no soul mate, daughter not speaking to me (she's satrted to now)....

    Got invited to do a bit for a 'This is your life' for this bloke who's been awarded an OBE. He came out the army, ended up on the streets drinking etc for 23 years! got himself dry, volunteered for projects helping homeless, started his own projects and and...

    Found it really uplifting that this bloke thanked me, gave me respect after all he'd done.

    So I'm thinking, I'd better get on with it.

    So that's what I'm doing, bit at a time, clearing out the rubbish, get to getting that bike going and out the door...

    Youre well respected on here and I would guess in the real world an' all Mr, better get on and earn it!

  15. Pull your finger out or I will bring my bus over for a brake overhaul like I promised and work you like a Beatch.

    Seriously though decide what it is you want to do, we all know your talents but if you want a change make it happen. I am in the same boat at work but to stop myself telling them all where to go am forging ahead building a brewery and I have never brewed a drop. Work is just a means to an end.
    You will find small successes lead to bigger ones and will make you feel a lot better. I know it is hard to concentrate on the positives when there are overwhelming negatives but the more you accomplish the better you will feel.
    Maybe start making some how to videos or run a boot camp as it seems to be working for others?
    I would subscribe to Zed TV.
  16. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    I had to laugh when I saw Paul from T2D at the show trying to drum up punters for his very own Techenders style boot camp. lol
  17. Know where you're at Zed. Just toooo much to think of and you can't concentrate on one thing 'cause the other 'do me now's' keep crowding in. It's hard trying to keep ahead of the bills, they have a habit of catching up all too quickly. We're finally doing the boat thing - sign contracts on Thursday. Now have to get the house ready to rent and move everything that we can't sell! You still thinking along those lines?
  18. You need a funky logo so you can flog a few t-shirts too.
  19. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

  20. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    £950 for the beetle ;)

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