Huey and Dewey

Discussion in 'Show Us Your Ride' started by el, Aug 12, 2011.

  2. el


    all sat on the inside ,you can see the dash come[​IMG]ing up nice aready
  3. I'd love to see that write up, and I'm sure I'm not alone.

    What rubbing compound do you use?
  4. Im a fan of g3 from farcella but ive been out of the detailing game for a few years now
  5. Do you have a rough price for these busses dude?
    Im sure they would be out of my price range without big debt but id love somthing that clean and original
  6. el


    Meguiars mate on the bus you can see .you can get that one in most motor shops .some you get on line .as the paint wasnt to bad it only needed a slight compound .the mane thing is not to rush and one panel at a time and sometimes even break the panel down into panels as well
  7. Cool, I tried t cut bit it didn't seem to have much effect.

    So how long do you spend on each panel?
  8. el


    i love detailing i carnt wait to get in it and bring it all back .its like a challenge
  9. el


    em this is sad but 30 mins to an hour
  10. el


    i really dont no at this time im open to offers as were on beans on toast at this time
  11. I need a guide line price dude as i live on a pension and the bank will only lend so much
  12. el


    let me think over it and will give you a guide price tommorrow .
  13. cheers dude

    by pm is fine
  14. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

  15. el


    almost 12 hours of cleaning today[​IMG]
  16. el


    31 years of grime[​IMG]
  17. el


  18. el


    [​IMG]inside had a bleech vax and a polish and came uplovely
  19. el


    white wall were next .good bleech [​IMG]
  20. el


    [​IMG]good as new

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