Home made Joggler

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by Twe-d, Mar 13, 2014.

  1. Gonna have a crack at making one of these, the two bits of machined metal and hammer type.

    Could someone thats made one tell me what offset (guessing about 1mm) and length (15mm) they made the flange or post me up a pic :)

    Many thanks
  2. looking at them the offset needs to be the same as the material you're trying to joggle doesnt it?? itherwise you'd end up with the joining bit below the surface of the original panel.
  3. Is it as neat as that? its for the rear arches and closing panels, that'll be 1mm then?
  4. My set of hand joggles are a 1mm step :thumbsup:
    Twe-d likes this.
  5. Why would you need to make one? I'm sure they're not particularly expensive
  6. £40 off fleabay! Money better spent on a battery tray ;)
  7. If you do buy one spend the extra £7 and get the one with a hole punch, i always grumble when i sit there drilling holes along an edge because i was to tight :)
  8. Twe-d likes this.

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