Hogsback Brewery Tour Camping - by Marowak

Discussion in 'Show Event Photos' started by marowak, Apr 1, 2012.

  1. I was unable to finish work early on the friday evening so instead I opted to get up early on the Saturday morning ... because I was not there on Friday it was un eventful and everyone went to bed at 10pm.

    I arrived on site at 11am and after being given the 30 minute security run down by the reception man I went to meet the others.



    It was not long until VW Cooper and WokingGaz arrived and we then had a late bay centipede which was almost a rainbow.


    At midday Mikes mummy and daddy arrived to taxi us over to the pub - also with a little help from Bex - she's so lucky to have Mike ;)

    The tour started at 1pm so we had a little bit of time to look around the shop.

    The Queens approval

    We were each given a 1/2 pint glass (yours to take away) and the tour began.
    Over the next 2 hours we were served up 4 of the different ale's* by what must be the funniest man I have ever seen or heard.

    He was so un PC it was amazing - I am editing together a video with his tour and jokes and you will see what I mean.

    Eager drinkers

    Mikes Dad and Tour man



    Not because of the low beams - but the hangover after

    Part 2 of the tour
    [​IMG][​IMG]g" />

    There was a strange noise and everyone turned round to look at Dave

    The executive suite


    So - as I say I have a whole video to edit of the tour - but needless to say - best £10 I have ever spent!

    Back at camp - Jen has a nap

    And Mike is just camp

    We need wood so lord charles sends out his minions to collect

    Happily drunk - the fires are lit and the evening begins

    Lord charles gets Matt to light his fire

    And Birdy stocks up on his fart powers by eating 'its just a tin' of beans

    Waitrose meat - only the best for Charlie

    Some night time imagery

    Oh pretty - my vision after my ginger beer and 4 ciders

    Dave and his uber cigar

    Mike becomes 'wheels' for the evening and befriends 'leg man'

    Wiseman rocks out with a big stick

    And then - we see a spot light going round the field ... we thought it was the campsite security coming to tell us off for being loud - but we were oh so wrong.

    It was pikeys - shining their mega torch to find rabbits and releasing their dogs on them.

    This went on for a while before we knew what was happening.

    TLB mob investigates whats going on.

    And the big pikey shines his light over to us

    A few of us went over to ask then to leave and what followed was like a scene from Snatch - the big guy was all F-ing and became very VERY violet - he asked if we wanted to fight him and proceeded to take his top off -

    I have NEVER seen such big boobs on a human before - his were massive - he was an ugly chap and continued to be very rude and somewhat disrespectful .... I was awfully concerned being in Surrey and all ....

    anyway - he and his little pikeys and dogs and GUNs eventually left and we all decided it wise to lock the vans and hide away as much as possible - in case they came back.

    Thankfully they did not.

    So anyway - a cold night and I awoke to ice on the van...brrrrr

    In the morning Liz made her way from the shower block - only a 5 minute walk away!

    Cold vans - but colourful ...

    Birdys beans are still repeating on him

    Mike tidys up

    Wiseman uses his big f-off knife to cut some bread

    So - what an amazing 24 hours .... MASSIVE thanks to mike for organising it all and everyone who came for making it a real good event ...

    Next time I go camping in Surrey I will have to remember my pistol and tazer!

  2. Superbly written Dan, And they were huge mooobs! poptop would have bought a bus from him :)

    The Brewery tour was fantastic, and made more so by the guide, aided by his umpa lumpa's who just kept appearing with jugs of beer :)
  3. Great write up and great weekend with great company and good Ale Thanks to all. I will add some of my pictures this evening at some point.
  4. A nice write up Dan and some great pics, rather than set up another thread I will just add a few of mine to yours...

    Matt takes a look a Birdy's rear

    Camp TLB

    Our amusing host, so nice to meet someone who can talk properly

    We were on our 3rd beer at this point and about 6 pints in

    Taxi for some

    More drinking for others

    Wheels relaxes by the fire

    Captain Fudge and his glamourous cape

    Dave tries to remember how many pints he had

    Some rat molester and his snared bride

    No idea what Rich is doing here

    Jen and her cool camera

    Legs adopts his usual pose

    Nice spot for a camp

    For the full set click http://www.flickr.com/photos/57065481@N00/sets/72157629352521692/

    Cheers for the great company and well done Mike for organising it all see you all at Elemental.
  5. Excellent photos and write up Dan as always! I look forward to your pics, they always make me laugh ;D

    Lord Charles, the photos taken by your servants are excellent, we thank thee kindly oh lordly one ;) :))

    I took precisely 7 photos, and only on the Friday ^-^ I was laughing too much to take more ^-^

    Croydon Massive Convoy!


    Mike sets up the game that, in his words, "really made the weekend" (it didn't ^-^)



    Matt takes charge


    Matt and his 'friendly old bum' ;D


    The greatest love story never told - Birdy and Boris :-*


    Thanks to all for a fantastic weekend and in particular Mike for sorting it out and Becs and the rest of his family (and Birdy!) for chauffeuring us around :hug:

    Watch out pikeys, TLB are in the house (well, field).
  6. Ok here are the pictures i took, hopefully a few differing pictures to the others added sometimes its easy to take similar photos to others.
    The group by night.
    Belle & Dukey
    Dukey by night
    Belle by night
    The pinky by night
    General night and firepit selection

    Mrsmajorhangover BLagging about a very useful stick weapon before the pikey incident, talking about death by wiperblade too??

    no a bit backwards but im going to add my Volksworld selection.
  7. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    very good photo's guys...I'd have been worried if those pikeys had been sniffin round too :eek:
  8. Luckily we had a tall swarthy type fellow with us, unluckily he looked like this most of the time

  9. Private video? i want to see Flamage cant get it woriking though.
  10. Fantastic pics and great storytelling all :)

    Like the look of that brewery tour...especially the drinking part ;D
  11. Sorted.
  12. thats a great 360.....until it almost caught fire....cracking weekend cheers
  13. loving the video, that made me chuckle :D great weekend, really enjoyed it. Good pics everyone, i'll have to check my camera as i did take some
  15. That 360 is brilliant!

    Thanks for the photos everyone. A great weekend!
  16. Smelly old wasp...
  17. Honky

    Honky Administrator

    Friendly old bum.
  18. Silly old willy.
  19. my bum eats plums 'cos a plum tastes yum.

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