Hit the Road Jack

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by CSI_Will, Apr 30, 2013.

  1. Hi guys, I've been carrying around a hydraulic bottle jack for the last year and a few cans of tyreweld incase of a puncture but as I am off to some remote areas of France next month I thought carrying a spare may be a better option. Turns out though when I went to test that my bottle jack was working, it doesn't actually extend far enough to lift the bus!

    Does anyone know what jack would be suitable to carry around in the bus for such eventualities. My bus didn't come with one.
  2. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    Either a standard bus jack, a high lift bottle (a bit unstable) or a small trolley jack.
  3. my last bus didn't have the original jack, come to think of it it didn't have suitable jacking points - they were semi-corroded! I bought a 2.5 ton trolley jack which albeit was cumbersome - it did lift the bus easily. I stored it in the back area above the engine just in case. Small trolley jacks suffer the same issues as your bottle jack - not enough lift
  4. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    Or carry a couple of wood blocks.

    How remote you going in that France?
  5. Well, I say remote... off climbing and bouldering in Fontainbleau. Remote to me as I don't speak the language!
  6. I don't really trust my jacking points to be honest, but was hoping to carry something a bit more compact and lighter than a trolley jack. Ah well, beggars cant be choosers!
  7. Get 'em fixed, and your life will be complete :). The Brazzy jack works really well. Failing that, a bottle jack and some wood blocks?
  8. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    I don't either that's why I always carry a the wife, a most useful addition to any holiday.:D

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