Hello from the wilds of Scotland

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourselves' started by raoulduke, Feb 1, 2012.

  1. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Nah, I'm down in the green and pleasant Borders. I can see trees from my house and everything.
  2. Well, 'tis done. Picked up our van this afternoon and am happy to report that it made the 600-yard journey from the seller's house to ours without any drama.

    I'm equal parts bouncing with joy and quaking with terror at what we've let ourselves in for.

    Pics will follow next week when we get back from a wee weekend break.
  4. Hi and welcome.
  5. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    hello and welcome

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