Happy Birthday Mrs Moosey

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bernjb56, Nov 29, 2013.

  1. sANDYbAY

    sANDYbAY On benefits-won't sponsor!

    Many Happy Returns Mrs M
    Mrs Moosey likes this.
  2. Thanks for all the messages - having a quiet one at home (got the day off work, to rest my very old feeling bones!). Looking froward to a nice Thai meal later on. Might force down a splish or two of wine as well... :D
    JennyB and Barneyrubble like this.
  3. [​IMG]
    Tiny-Pie and Barneyrubble like this.
  4. :D
  5. Happy birthday Jess xxx
    Mrs Moosey likes this.
  6. Happy birthday -hope it's a good one
    Mrs Moosey likes this.
  7. Happy Birthday Mrs M! Hope its been a gooden :)
    Mrs Moosey likes this.
  8. Happy Birthday, will have beer for you:burp:
    Mrs Moosey likes this.

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