Great call, couldn't help myself...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Joker, Apr 4, 2012.

  1. So, John from India just called me on behalf of some UK accident claim line. He asked;

    "We have information that someone at this number was in a car accident in the past 3 years"

    "That will be my Grandfather, hold the line please and i'll go and get him" (30 seconds later)

    "Hello Sir, I understand you had an accident"

    (Me, having not changed the sound of my voice at all) "Yes, that's right, last year. A crane fell on top of me"

    "A train?"

    "No, a crane"

    "A train, oh that is so terrible"

    "No not a train. How the hell could a train fall on my bloody head? It was a CRANE, you know those big things on top of buildings for lifting bricks and stuff"

    "Oh well Sir, i'm so sorry to hear of your accident and I hope they managed to get the train off you"

    "It was a BLOODY CRANE. Anyhow, yes, they managed to get the CRANE off me and get me to hospital"

    "I'm very glad Sir"

    "Yes, they had to take me there in a bucket, I was in a god awful mess"

    "A bucket sir"



    Made me chuckle
  2. Brilliant mate loved it
  3. Well done

    I just pass the phone to my little un and let her talk to them
  4. I love having a bit of fun with them too, tell them you are just going to get someone and do something else for a while, the longest I had them sat waiting was about 45 minutes, I did have to tell them "he's just coming" twice though :)
  5. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    yes i do the give me a minute someone's at the door routine and leave them hanging, i would love to get some recorded screams or smashing glass though that would be funny.

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