FOR SALE Genuine VWoA Late Bay Bumper Overriders - Full set £250 plus post

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by threecountiesdubber, Jul 29, 2013.

  1. Due to a change of heart, I am selling a complete set of Late Bay bumper overriders - the more common type seen on US-spec Bays as opposed to the razor thin ones.

    Photos will be posted shortly.

    Not many people know but each overrider is indivdually part-numbered, it took me about three years and purchases from Volksworld, Vanfest and the States to get a complete set together.

    Something else that people might not realise is that the Late Bay overrriders are held to the bumper by special clamps/claws - four of these are included in the sale.

    All fixings are included along with a brand-new set of genuine NOS VWoA bumper rubbers and rubber edging strip to prevent damage to your bumper.

    Two of the overriders are in OG paint the other two have been blasted and are in primer, all the overriders are very straight, almost perfect in fact.

    £250 for the lot, plus post (estimated £10-15).
  2. hi mate interested - I`m only in Tewkesbury - sam 07988753948 - would be good to see a pic...............

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