gas bottles

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by steveagain, Sep 29, 2013.

  1. Mine , is running a lit cigarette lighter around valve/along pipework a diy safety check ?,I ve always done that ,valve is fitted tight as tight expected ,hose and end clips renewed on 2 year cycle ,cannot come up wiv a "at home" alternative,?do the bottle valves have a "blow back" system fitted/built in, does anyone know?Ta
  2. i use some water with washing up liquid in it ,
    brushed on to the joints with a paint brush , itf there is a leak it will bubble up all over the place ...:thumbsup:
  3. PIE


  4. I wouldnt recommend lighter. If therd is a leak then what? Extinguisher at the ready?
  5. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    i'm gessing there isn't a great deal of pressure but unless there is some kind of blow back arrestor in the line/bottle then it's a bit mad...... i used my nose to check mine the other day when i fitted new hose maybe i'll check properly with fairy and water.
  6. oh right ,yeah soap and water , ta 4 that .

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