Fuel tanks

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by cooldad, Aug 31, 2011.

  1. Does anybody know if you can buy a new fuel tank. I have searched but can not find one. I need one for a 2.0 FI .
  2. Repro tanks arent available for the late bay yet im afraid
  3. Thanks for that . Will have to remove and clean out .And see what is left of it .
  4. Thanks for that will be a job to carry out in the winter.
  5. Hi, on the subject of fuel tanks, I have been told they are prone to rotting from the inside out. especially when left empty for periods of time. Anyone got any good tips to help prevent this?
    or is it just aload of tosh?
    Thanks Scott ;)
  6. Birdy

    Birdy Not Child Friendly

    Looking at the contents of my gas tank on my LA import bus it is indeed rotten from the inside. I fear the fuel used in the states is not as good as that in Europe. I brought a tank from Sheilshy and it's so clean you could eat your dinner from it. I wonder if it's because of the venting or lack of it in the tank system.

    FYI I've never seen tanks so rotten. Even my Alfasud had a clean tank.

    Looks like burnt toast but is in fact the inside bottom of my gas tank.

    Sent from my iLife 4 suite of applications.
  7. Hi Birdy ,thanks for that it's good to be back . Lots to do on the bus for next year although it sailed through the MOT.
  8. Mine was pretty good, but still followed the Ratwell instruction and lined the tank, the thing i would say is get a gallon on marine clean the stuff works wonders, and leave it to soak for days rotating the tank often, i also ended up using acid to totally clean it up but the acid also make it rust so it has to be clean thourghly and the metal ready'd pretty quickly

    Mine Before (not too bad at all)


    After cleaning and metal ready:


    And shiney shiney sealed

  9. Hi majorhangover, did you use por-15 . I have looked on the tinternet and there are quite a few different systems to use.
  10. Yeah, i figured Por15 is tried and tested so it was the most likley to work, I would say follow the instructions very carefully though, and the paint/sealer itself is horrible stuff, but it seems to do its job well.

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