WANTED Fuchs wheels

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by Thom3, Jan 16, 2023.

  1. Looking for a set of 5x130 15in Fuchs, preferably staggered (4.5in fronts and 5.5 or 6in rears) and preferably nicely detailed...but willing to see what's about. Good-qaulity repro or maybe genuine. Many thanks!
  2. Genuine ones are 2-3k+depending on condition.
    some repo look ok others not so much . I guess repo can be 112 pcd .
  3. Dubs

    Dubs Sponsor supporter extraordinaire

    Barry76 likes this.
  4. Yeah the quality in repro ones seems to vary significantly! These would be for my Beetle not my bay, so thankfully no need for 5x112 stud pattern (they never look quite right!)

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