Front seat bunk

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by buttercup, Aug 27, 2013.

  1. Does anybody know if you can easily make a bed across the front seats, as in a solid base and not a hammock? We endured 12 nights with our two year old sharing the rock n roll with us, but she's only going to get bigger (and more wriggly).
  2. Our boy now three and a half has just started to use the over the front seat hammock. I would have thought you could make something more solid but there will be limited head room when compared to the bunk which sags down and also that seems to help prevent little ones rolling out.
  3. my thoughts are why would you want them in a narrow bed they can roll out of when a hammock will keep them in
  4. Because there is no way in the world she will sleep in a hammock.
  5. There probably wont be enough head room for a fixed bed, at least it will be tighter than a bunk on a submarine. I'm not sure why your girl wont, our boy was reluctant but we call it and he thinks of it as his pirate bed :cool: now he's happy
  6. kev


    My 4 year old loves having his own hammock up front big pillow and quilt safe as houses plus all hi s teddy bears and toys
  7. Razzyh

    Razzyh Supporter

    Yup my three year old (now 4) loved the hammock and our 6mth old doesn't complain :)

    Get a hammock
  8. just did a search for hammocks and found this hammock bath [​IMG]
  9. CollyP

    CollyP Moderator

    I NEED one of those!
  10. my son slept in a cab bunk from a 11 months old my daughter from 4 months

    as long as you use their bedding and stick their toys in the bed they should be happy as it's there bed just like at home

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