French nightclubs

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by lost-en-france, Jan 14, 2013.

  1. If you did not know you can buy a bottle of spirit in a French nightclub.... :thinking:

    My apprentice bought a bottle of Whiskey in a nightclub on Saturday.....

    But how much was it?

    His mum said he got in at 7am ,she told me that was normal....
  2. 10 euros
  3. 160 euros
  4. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    Whats the prize :)
  5. Did they have adult entertainment, or just a normal nightclub?
  7. Come back before its to late
  8. When we came back from France last summer we got off the ferry at 6 am Saturday morning at Plymouth wondering why there was a great presence of Rozzers, drive through the city to still see people out clubbing 6 in the morning and even saw a fight start to break out.
  9. nightclubs in europe are better than uk
  10. dog

    dog Tea Boy

    they do bottles in the states too, in vegas to get a table in a nightclub you have to pay a bottle charge, usually a few hundred dollars, for this you get a bottle of cheap vodka and all the mixers and the use of the table while you still have the vodka, staff come round regularly to top up your glasses, once the vodka is gone so is your table unless you then buy another bottle. in busy clubs it's sometimes the only way to get in, the more popular the club, the higher the price!
  11. here in lovely london they are lining up to get in 9 in the morning monday that is how it is to be young and free :thinking:

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